
Industrial Pharmaceutical Science
at Ewha Womans University

Industrial Pharmaceutical Science at Ewha Womans University is a graduate school program aimed at developing competent global specialists in the pharmaceutical industry and related areas.
By providing multidisciplinary education courses that involve pharmacy, business studies, medicine and international studies, the school focuses on producing highly qualified specialists with master’s and doctoral degrees who will play a leading role in the pharmaceutical industry, while also serving as an educational cradle for women leaders as befitting the 127-year history of Ewha Womans University.
Our students are offered the highest standard of education from the excellent faculty at Ewha Womans University and renowned experts from pharmaceutical companies and related public institutions at home and abroad, while practice-based learning programs undertaken in each semester will serve as an outstanding guideline for students to select their future career and to perform the tasks required in the field.
We hope that you will realize your dream of becoming a global woman leader in the pharmaceutical industry, here at Ewha Womans University Graduate School of Industrial Pharmaceutical Science.